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Assignment 2: Theoretical Perspective and Literature Review
For this assignment the student is expected to (a) construct a literature map, (b) identify a theoretical perspective, and (c) write a study-by-study literature review. The following guidelines, along with a review of the chapter titled Reviewing the Literature and the library training, will assist in the completion of this assignment.

Be sure to review the automated presentations in Module 5 on the Use of Theory.
Literature Map
A literature map is a visual presentation of the theory and major sections and subsections related to the problem statement. There are two major types of maps: a hierarchical and circular design. For this assignment you are to construct a modified version of a hierarchical literature map (see Figure 3.7, pg. 96 for example and example on next page). Use the following diagram below as a starting point:
Be sure to include the in-text reference following each of the categories within the map, and then provide the full reference at the end of the assignment. Include a brief introduction to the map.
Review the example for further clarification:
The literature map illustrates the problem (need), improving teacher self-efficacy in the classroom, as being grounded in Bandura’s (1977) social cognitive theory. Teachers are generally distinguished as novice and experienced. Within this framework, major categories are hierarchically delineated such as burnout, academic achievement, the environment, and job satisfaction.
Example map:
Theoretical Perspective
The theoretical perspective (sometimes referred to as the theoretical framework, lens, or foundation) can be located in the discipline-based literature. The theory is typically identified once the student has identified the problem statement and reviews the discipline-based literature for the background and significance of the problem. After examining recent studies that have addressed the problem, one overarching theory should be identified.

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